Dental Content Marketing
You can be 100% sure that your dental business sets itself apart from the competition in terms of quality.
But why aren’t you getting the clients you need to flourish?
Think about where clients find you.
They don’t walk into your practice and ask to book an appointment first-time. If they’re in touch with you, it’s almost always because they’ve found you online.
What makes them trust you? What information on your website shows that you’re the business they need? How do they find your website?
I’m here today to answer your questions. Welcome to an all-you-need-to-know guide to dental content marketing – and why your business needs it.
The Importance of Dental Content Marketing
Succeeding in the dental industry today involves directed efforts to stand out in a sea of competition.
Dentistry is an essential form of healthcare, but a dental practice relies on clients to succeed.
If you’re the only dentist for a hundred miles, you have a captive audience. If there are three more dental practices a few blocks away, it’s a different story.
After all, as some needing dental care, I’m a lot more likely to be drawn to businesses that have already proven themselves through first-class web content. This lets me know they’re offering viable solutions to whatever problems I’m facing.
The ultimate goal of dental content marketing is to attract clients to your practice. However, you also need to focus on long-term goals.
Building a consistent, authoritative web presence means long-term visibility. It means your appointment queue will never be empty.
Likewise, if you’re interested in establishing yourself as a trusted source of online information, you need that information to be of the highest quality. You need to be sure that it ranks on Google. Only when Google thinks it’s worth showing can your clients judge for themselves.
Building Brand Awareness and Trust
You don’t need to be told that “trust” is the most important characteristic consumers look for in a dentist.
It’s kind of an intimate operation, after all.
Patients need to feel totally secure that their provider is fully qualified. The odds of me wandering into a new dentist’s office without knowing a thing about it are slim to none.
And then there’s your brand. This doesn’t have to mean flashy slogans – it just describes what clients think of when they think of your practice.
If they think of your brand.
Brand awareness is an essential aspect of capturing the attention of those seeking dental services to promote conversion and ongoing retention. Asserting yourself as an authority helps patients trust you with their dental health, as it actively demonstrates your confidence and capacity to do so.
Dental content marketing establishes brand authority online, building trust, client confidence, and satisfaction.
By maintaining a positive online presence, dentists can better validate their skills and services, This helps to both retain your client base and attract new patients.
So how do you do it?
Top Dental Content Marketing Strategies
By employing effective dental content marketing methods, dental practices ensure their content, and ultimately, their services, reach a wider target audience base.
A dental content marketing specialist blends industry-specific expertise with proven techniques to attract new clients to your website and your practice. Let’s talk proof.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search engine optimization (SEO) is simply the best technique to help businesses raise their domain authority and appear higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).
Appearing nearer to the top of search results is key to expanding your digital presence and acquiring more patients. This can be best achieved by posting a high volume of search-engine-optimized content.
This is known as on-page SEO. It’s backed up with off-page SEO practices such as backlink acquisition – more on this later.
On-page SEO incorporates high-value keywords at specific densities for greater recognition in searches.
Basic keywords aren’t too hard to work out. If your practice is in Sioux Falls, SD, then “dentist Sioux Falls SD” is a pretty good start.
It gets more complex after that – but help is at hand. Tools like Surfer SEO can identify the key terms your competitors are using to get ahead in Google’s SERP rankings.
A skilled content marketer can then include these terms in high-performing, well-written, perfectly-researched content.
You have control over the quality of information without having to spend hours typing out content. It’s a marriage of expertise.
Guest Posts
Guest posting is an enduringly popular strategy for building your website’s authority. They increase traffic by embedding a reference link to your website or blog in a relevant post on a highly-trusted website.
Google crawls this post and discovers that your website is referenced as an authority. Simple – right?
The truth is, not all guest posts are created equal. Not all services have your best interests at heart.
Google is increasingly cracking down on “farmed” guest posts that create backlinks in low-quality, irrelevant posts. It discriminates between authority links that make sense… and those that are clearly just there for a quick, inorganic boost.
An effective dental content marketing service will only link your content to relevant, high-trust sites. It’ll ensure that the content is relevant so Google doesn’t smell a rat.
Acquiring backlinks is just as important as on-page SEO. Building your website’s authority is the key to long-term SERP success – but you need to work with an expert.
Website Design
No dental content marketing strategy can help if you don’t offer your clients a well-structured, attractive website. Who stays to read the text when it’s impossible to find?
Service pages and landing pages help incorporate relevant keywords, provide internal links to your services, and sort information into manageable chunks. This means you’re not just attracting clients with beautiful SEO content – you’re holding their attention by presenting the information they came to find.
If your clients can’t find what they’re looking for, they’ll click away or “bounce.”
This means that the client came, saw, and… left without clicking anything. It’s not always a problem – it depends on the page.
But if your website is all bounces and no conversions, that’s an issue.
Keep users in mind, and always make sure your site is optimized for mobile viewing. Most people browse on handheld devices these days – you can’t afford to lose that traffic.
Industry Blog
Dentistry blogs are an excellent way to demonstrate the benefits your practice can bring to your customers. Generating engaging blog posts that align with customer values improves credibility and relationships.
When patients read about different treatments and procedures, they feel more educated and confident.
Blogs are an easy outlet to show that you’re not just a skilled practitioner – you’re a helpful expert.
Staying up-to-date and involved in the latest industry practices and happenings promotes confidence, too. “Dental care” and “out-of-date information” aren’t happy bedfellows.
Show that you’re informed. Keep your patients informed. Encourage them to reach out and talk.
Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Capitalizing on this densely populated and active space comes highly recommended, even if it’s not your natural habitat.
In fact, some of the most effective social media marketing strategies don’t require you personally to hang out on Twitter.
Social signals are a handy feature of a great dental content marketing strategy. Relevant links to your website’s lovingly-crafted content are drip-fed through social channels, building awareness, driving engagement, and growing your social media presence…
…and the best part is, just like with creating content, you don’t have to do it all yourself.
Why spend countless hours shouting into the void when outreach networks already exist? Social signals are an affordable and time-saving social media strategy. Get your content out there and enjoy more time to focus on what you do best.
Videos are among the most impactful way to reach audiences.
Dental videos can be especially arresting – I’d advise some caution on what you show potential clients up-front.
People are more apt to be drawn to video content than written words. While high-value text is still incredibly important, it’s even more effective when appropriately paired with an engaging video.
An eye-catching video can offer a no-effort summary of your article’s text body. People can stick around for the long read or just watch the video – either way, it’s engagement.
There’s a time and a place for videos that demonstrate the more up-close-and-personal side of dentistry. People want to know about this, but they also want to know about you and your business.
Dental content marketing videos can include patient testimonials, office tours, interviews with team members, highlighting new offerings, and more.
Give your clients every reason to step through your practice’s front door. Varied content marketing strategies maximize engagement.
Greatest Benefits of Dental Content Marketing
Dental content marketing proves that you’re the best in your field before a client has ever walked into your practice.
It can give relatively small brick-and-mortar premises a massive online presence.
Engaging with and speaking directly to your customer base on a regular basis is immeasurably useful. People Google dental questions all the time. If your website is there with the answers thanks to a first-class SEO content marketing strategy, then the conversation is already happening.
And you’re at the center of it.
Regularly producing and updating high-quality content means you:
- Reach your audience
- Build authority
- Generate leads
- Provide real solutions!
Here’s what you’re looking to achieve.
1. Know and Reach Your Target Audience
With the right strategies in place for dental content marketing, your business can more accurately address the needs and values of your target audience.
Identifying and speaking directly to this group is essential. Who is the information-seeker? What do they want to know about? A little research goes a long way.
As your audience continues to discover content and engage with your content, they’re more likely to reach out for an appointment. They’re also more likely to share your site with others – it’s free marketing.
2. Establish a Solid Reputation as an Authority in Your Industry
I have never wandered into a new dentist’s office on a whim.
The modern consumer researches a service thoroughly before selecting a new service provider. Your blog isn’t just informational – it’s a means of building trust.
Thus, dental content marketing is a must for anyone hoping to garner the attention and foster the trust of prospective new clients in search of a provider.
When I’m in need of dental services, for example – perhaps in a new area without access to my previous provider – like most, I’ll turn to the internet first. When dentists near me have provided a wealth of confidence-boosting content, I can feel more empowered in assessing the options to make an informed decision.
You want that to be you.
3. Optimize for More Solutions for Greater Conversion
Dental content marketing is an advert for all your services.
Ranking #1 for “dentist Sioux Falls SD” is a good start. Ranking #1 for “cavity treatment Sioux Falls,” “cheap dental care Sioux Falls,” and “dental polish Sioux Falls” is immeasurably better.
When would-be customers are browsing, seeking specific dental services, they won’t all search for the same thing. Dental content marketing recognizes this and aims to put you in Google’s top spot for all relevant services.
It’s also imperative to keep current patients informed about any new services or products that may be offered.
I know I wouldn’t want to waste my valuable time and energy pursuing services from a certain dentist only to learn later that they don’t actually offer what I need. Put it all on show, and if you offer a service, make sure it ranks independently.
Fielding Negative Feedback
It’s inevitable that, at some point, there will be a need to address public feedback that can be considered less than flattering. It may be tempting to defend yourself or your dental practice, but it’s extremely important to maintain a professional image.
Losing your cool online ultimately only reflects worse on your business, tarnishing your hard-earned reputation as an authority in your industry. So it’s probably not worth it to risk squandering your credibility by engaging with a disgruntled reviewer online.
Dental content marketing techniques can push negative reviews down the SERP. If a poor review comes up for a certain search term, it’s time to focus your attention on that search term with fresh SEO content.
Furthermore, rather than deleting or arguing with unflattering reviews, consider responding to them sincerely. It’s often true that a negative experience is genuinely regrettable, no matter the reason. Showing that you understand and value the customer is a priority.
Dental Content Marketing Materials: Can You DIY It?
Training to qualify as a dentist takes years of intensive study and practice. It doesn’t focus so much on digital marketing and writing first-class content.
Rather than spend countless hours familiarizing yourself with the expansive realm of digital marketing and all it entails, take a leaf out of your patients’ book.
Find a professional who knows what they’re doing, and trust their expertise.
Dental Content Marketing Experts
We’ve talked all about showing your clients why they need your services, but how do you find a dental content marketing service equal to the task?
Here’s what to look for.
- Information-rich content. The best SEOs are incredibly efficient researchers. They also work with their clients to understand exactly what you want and how you want it presented. The result? Information-rich content that delivers valuable insights to your customers and performs on Google.
- Complementary services. A combination of on-page and off-page content marketing is the most effective way to get your name out there – and keep it out there. SEO content, along with effective guest posting strategies and social outreach, is a lethal combination.
- Content that suits your purpose. What’s the difference between a blog and a sales page? One seeks to inform – the other seeks to convert. They’re both part of a well-structured website and a first-class content marketing service will tailor its tone and structure to any type of content you need.
- Excellent communication. All good professional relationships rely on communication. A great provider listens and responds promptly with tailored solutions. That’s what you do for your clients – it’s what you should expect your dental content marketing team to do for you.
Establishing yourself as a successful dentist is a long game. Finding and retaining clients is everything – you can apply the same logic to your digital presence.
Dental content marketing helps your clients find you. It establishes why they should trust you. And a well-designed strategy continues to reinforce your identity as a trusted authority on Google’s front page for years to come.
The expert team at SEOButler is ready to put you on the map today. High-quality SEO content, a proven guest posting service, social signals, and citations are at your disposal. Client care is our top priority – getting your content to rank is our #1 focus.
Reach out to the team and discover what our dental content marketing team can do for you!